Wine is a travel experience
Education Ed Merrison Education Ed Merrison

Wine is a travel experience

The concept of wine as a travel experience is a central tenet of Vininspo! But what do we mean by it? The simplest interpretation is that by tasting wine we’re travelling through time, across cultures to a specific place.
But there’s another important angle. As when we embark on any hopeful adventure, we should be free to experience wine wide-eyed and whole-heartedly, without the slightest sense we don’t belong.

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Maps and Legends
Travel Ed Merrison Travel Ed Merrison

Maps and Legends

It mightn’t look like much but this childhood Christmas gift sparked the lifelong wanderlust that inevitably led to a love of wine.

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A glass with Jancis Robinson
Ed Merrison Ed Merrison

A glass with Jancis Robinson

“Oh, I learn things every day!” says Her Royal Vinous, Jancis Robinson. “I suppose that’s one plus point of the world of wine expanding so much, and then there are all the new consumers.” Jancis talks to Ed Merrison of Vininspo! about her universal wine glass and the 8th edition of The World Atlas of Wine.

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Theresa Breuer, the rebel’s daughter
Profile Ed Merrison Profile Ed Merrison

Theresa Breuer, the rebel’s daughter

Theresa Breuer was just 20 when her father Bernhard - perhaps Germany’s doughtiest campaigner for its dry Riesling - died suddenly in 2004. But she barely blinked before continuing the Rheingau estate’s trajectory as one of the finest in the world.

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TWR’s Anna Flowerday plays it cool
Profile Ed Merrison Profile Ed Merrison

TWR’s Anna Flowerday plays it cool

Anna Flowerday of TWR says “cool” a lot. This passionate organic wine-grower and champion of regenerative viticulture shows that working hard is dead cool when you do what you love and love what you grow.

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